Book Review: Epic Ellisons: Cosmos Camp by Lamar Giles 3 Stars *** (Middle Grade) (Fiction) (Fantasy) (2024)

Victoria and Evangeleen Ellison—nicknamed Wiki and Leen respectively—are twelve-year-olds twins living on an income producing farm in Logan County, Virginia. Leen was born laughing and that made Wiki cry seven minutes after her own entrance into the world. They look alike but they’re miles apart personality, interest, and skills wise. Both are geniuses with complementary strengths. The girls are famous for helping the legendary Alston boys defeat some mutant moles in this author’s series by the same name. They’ve never been apart and now look forward to separate lives as Leen is off to Cosmos Camp to learn all about space exploration and Wiki looks forward to helping out on the farm and a quiet, uneventful respite. So much for that idea …

Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on who’s speaking, Wiki wins a scholarship to attend Cosmos Camp. Their parents are thrilled for their newly found opportunity for alone time, and Wiki is forced to attend camp against her will. Upon arrival, the campers are greeted by Dr. Burr, ” … to welcome you, the greatest young scientific minds from across the country, to the fifth annual PeteyTech Cosmos Camp, where you’ll learn all about the various roles and research required for space exploration.” Dr. Burr is assisted by two robots as the campers donned their VR goggles (virtual reality) to hear a prerecorded message from the owners of the camp. Petey and Anna Thunkle. The girls receive a different message from the other campers. Anna Thunkle tells them that her husband is mysteriously missing and entrusts the twins with the task of secretly finding him without letting anyone know that he’s missing. Lots of AI (Artificial Intelligence) stuff going on here. You’ll never look at a vacuum cleaner in the same way again!

Needless to say, the girls accomplish their task and even manage to save the world from the clutches of evil. Will the girls return to the security of their life on the farm or … ?

I did not enjoy reading this book. It’s not real science fiction but more like fantasy. Yes, all the requisite stuff is in it but there’s no real understanding or explanation of laws of the universe. A thrill a minute filled with hyperbole, cliché and the unbelievable. Not fun for me as an adult and I know that I would not have liked this book as a kid. Fast and furious, filled with everything, including the kitchen sink. Too cutesy for my taste.

Please let me know your thoughts. I’d love to hear from you. You can email me at

I wish you all a life inspired by the wonder of the world around us. May you find and live your truth, in harmony with people, nature and the environment. May you be a force for good and a source of love and comfort. May the world be a better place for you having lived and loved here.

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